Most of the children work in the gas filling stations filling gas in cars, doing motor mechanics work, working in small unhygienic hotel, washing the cars, selling different products in the public places, and many more. Let’s realize the children rights. We can contribute to the rights of children by stop taking work from them and parents should realized the need of the children and give them the basic of them so that they may not get betrayed.
Monday, July 27, 2009
Most of the children work in the gas filling stations filling gas in cars, doing motor mechanics work, working in small unhygienic hotel, washing the cars, selling different products in the public places, and many more. Let’s realize the children rights. We can contribute to the rights of children by stop taking work from them and parents should realized the need of the children and give them the basic of them so that they may not get betrayed.
Summer can be headache free but how? That’s the main question is! People who suffer from headache know that the season brings with it unbearable heat, making body temperature high and make things worse, especially in our part of the world. A headache is a pain in the head or tissues surrounding the upper neck. The condition becomes worsens particularly in summer, as the scorching heat and sunlight trigger severe headaches, The cause a damage of small arteries in the scalp.
Now here are some common causes and preventive measures to avert headaches in this summer:
Meal timings
Skipping meal can be one of the prime cause headaches. If you feel headache because of prolonged fasting, break it and eat and you will feel a lot better instantly.
Lie down and use ice on your shoulders, neck and temples. Also, you can take some kind of pain killer for reducing headache to some extent.
Ice-cream headache
Perhaps the most common headache in summer is the ice-creme headache, trigger by the ingestion of cold beverages. One can easily get rid from this headache by avoiding cold fluids and ice crème, or simply by taking smaller and slower mouthfuls, so that the substance warms up quicker in the mouth. Another way to melt away ice crème headache is by pressing one’s tongue into the palate of the mouth.
Body posture
Poor body posture leads to tension headache, so it is better to maintain good body posture. You need to stretch your body every now and then at work, since the muscles of neck and shoulders contract due to poor body postures. Hence stretching help relive headache tremendously.
Bright light
Many headache suffers are sensitive to bright light and avoid it when they have a headache. So, bright light may be a headache trigger.
One should wear sunglasses for protection. A hat or cap may be helpful during the day.
During every one has to face stressful time and stress is major headache for trigger. This kind of suffers can easily manage stress by plan ahead of time for big family get-to gathers and holidays to avoid tension headache. Fort instance, try to avoid the last minutes shopping, ensuring that your car is serviced before traveling, and make travel reservations well in advance. Tension headache radiate pain through the neck and shoulders. A gently massage to scalp or shoulders good solution for this type of headache.
Herbal treatments
Betel leaves have cooling and analgesic properties. A paste made out of betel leaves applied to the center of headache gives immediate relief. The aroma of cloves is soothing for nerves.
Henna flowers have also tremendous cooling properties. It can be mixed with vinegar to get better results in excessive heat. Garlic and vinegar also have miraculous properties in reliving headache.
One can also soak almond in warm water overnight. Grind them into a paste in the morning and warm them slightly in pure ghee. Mix this in water or milk and drink. This helps in treating chronic headache problems. However it is not advised for head or cholesterol patients.
During summer, people prone to headache suffering should drink plenty if fluids to avoid headache. During summer, it is important to keep the body hydrated. It is better to drink plain water as carbonate soft drinks contains substance that trigger headache.
Substance that headache suffers should avoid include common ingredients in soft drinks such as caffeine and aspartame.
However it is very essential for those who are persistently suffering from headache to go regular medical and neurological examination to a special, especially if they have fever and neck pain along with headache.