Friday, May 29, 2009


Superstitious means that “Showing ignorance of the laws of nature and faith in magic or chance”. Believing superstitious things is the state of mind. With this state of mind, superstitious may be grouped into religious, cultural and personal. All religious beliefs and practices may seem superstitious to the person without religious or the follower of some other religious or sect. therefore the less said about these, the better. Superstitious state of mind also occurs in the so called modern society; this all due to ignorance I must say.
In western culture, the number 13 is perceived as unlucky; and buildings completely skip the number 13 floor. If a man accidentally spilled salt, he would throw salt over his left shoulder in order to make the devil blind who sits there. Opening an umbrella indoor is thought to result of 21 days striving. Breaking the mirror will result to bring hardship of seven years. Some body in western country has dropped the pocket mirror while fixing the tie and shattered it. “Oh no!” he yelled to his wife. “Now I am to face a seven miserable years. “ Nonsense, “the women countered. “My uncle once has broken a mirror and he did not have seven bad years. “Really?” the man felt encouraged. If the women does not tell him this then he will die in that day. As we have seemed in movies that European has a full quota of superstitious. In Sweden, placing keys on the table is seems to be unlucky. Moreover collecting nine or seven different flowers and put them under your pillow means that your will dream of your future spouse. In UK it is bad to put new shoes on a bed or table. In Russia, if a person wants to have a safe journey, he should sit on the luggage.
Asia is the most fertile breed of superstitious beliefs. In Chine, Japan and Korea, number 4 is unlucky. Building having number 4 floor is vacant in these countries. In Sri Lanka, crying of an owl in night, it is a signature of death of the villager. If you see a lizard before going out, it is better not to leave home.
Superstitious beliefs are almost same in the Indo-Pak subcontinent despite religious and cultural differences. Like, pregnant women should avoid coming in the open during an eclipse. A black cat your path does means that you should change your path immediately. If you get hiccups, it means that you are remembering by some one near and dear. If the left eye of a woman quivers, she is going to get some good news. A black mark is necessary on your forehead if you go to the party.
Finally, people developed personal superstitious. Directors of film make their luck associated with the successful films. At this moment I am having a little itch in my palm. So I stop here as I belief that I will receive money when I publication of this article on my blog.

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